After the Dabba Wal Street Food Kitchen, we headed to the cinema to see the new Bruce Willis movie called Looper.
We even sat near the front.
I won't say too much about the plot line for fear of spoilers, but the general idea is about near future assassins who deal with time travelled mobster hits.
There's the expected twists - er - loops in the story and also a chance to start to invent some along the way.
Bruce also gets some great one liners - along the lines "we could spend the rest of the morning describing time travel and use all the drinking straws in this diner making models, or we could just accept it" and another part where the map just has an 'X' to explain a location. The script tips its hat to the audience who have already seen all this stuff and don't need the fancy GPS explanations.
The storyline also does some things you don't see so often. I won't say what but it's not the stuff of many action-sci-fi-noir movies.
The near future Kansas is also a fairly dusty and run down looking city, with beaten up cars adapted for solar charging and a plethora of cardboard cities. There's a few seconds also in a manga-like Singapore all high tech and gleaming.
And it's not giving anything away to say that the time machine really looks as if it was invented by H.G. Wells, complete with its almost steam-punk dials and valves.
Our post-viewing consensus - it was definitely worth seeing. Was it as good as the adverts on the buses said - 'The next Matrix/Bladerunner' ? - I think the jury would remain out on that one.
Perhaps stuck in a loop.
And take it from me - China is going to be big.
Reading about it in the trade papers, it doesn't sound like a film I would be running out to see--Even if I could. But, when it gets to DVD I will give it a 'look-see'.
Naomi I usually like some of the Bruce Willis one-liners - this one doesn't disappoint.
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