I've pinched today's pictures from the @LondonNaNo twitterfeed, and I can almost be spotted in the back row from today's session at the Mad Hatter.
And yep - I've decided to have another go at this National Novel Writing Month lark.
I think it will be my fifth attempt, and I've generally managed to hit the requisite 50,000 words in the month of November. Actually, I can only account for three of the stories though, so one has already received a suitably embarrassed consignment to a messy drawer.
The picture shows part of the assembled gang, which became 'standing room only' a little later. Today's launch was the second session, with a prior weekday evening one to catch 'commuting novelists'.
We also had the mix of Londoners and those from further afield including New York and Vancouver in my table's gathering.
There's something reassuring about meeting a diverse group of people about to set out on this craziness. It was also interesting to note that many had already successfully completed prior years. Most didn't know one another at this kick-off session, but it is already clear they we will all encourage one another along. The NaNoLondon web site is here and the London Regional forum is here.
Of course we won't start writing until the 1st of November. Some already have plots, diagrams and characters but I still have nothing.
Which reminds me, I must start banking sleep.
(p.s. that was about 230 words)
I have tried 3 times; succeeded twice. I don't know if i have the appetite this year. I will be rooting for you!
Ellie Thank you - although that alternative scribbling may well interfere with my blogging.
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