rashbre central: Maisie's Moonshine

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Maisie's Moonshine

There may be a High Noon pause at Maisie's Saloon, but have any lessons been learned? Mrs May keeps sneaking ways to sell her moonshine.

If she does, the next few years can be filled with attempts to negotiate the Political Declaration from outside the EU.

There’ll be the classic outsourcing move. Negotiate exit with one team and then change them for the next stage so that all verbal understandings are swept from the table. The 36-pager of the Political Declaration (8 pages of proper content - the rest procedural) will need to be much longer in order to cast certainty onto anything.

Instead we’ll be left with a set of vague unagreed statements to get us from Brexit 0.1a to Brexit 1.0. That’s against the backdrop that right from the start the new deal is guaranteed to be worse than prevailing ‘in EU’ conditions.

The clown financiers are keeping quiet about their plans to introduce a Singapore model to set up Britain as an off-EU free-state. Just like all the other secretive ploys to run down the clock, not give firm dates for votes and keep motions under wraps until the last possible minute.

Bercow’s robustness yesterday caused another GBP drop. People with bundles of shares could see this as a good thing, cheaper pound means more attractive exports. The shiftier shorters will already be cashing in.

Post ‘deal', the Chancellor will start to tinker. The £26 billion he’s set aside for crash out contingency will become a limited spending spree, although it is dubious that there’s really that much available. He’ll tweak business tax to make the UK more attractive for certain types of company as well as certain types of money processing.

Without a sheriff in town the next stage is where the dubious financiers' real Ker-ching happens.

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