rashbre central: ides (March)

Friday 15 March 2019

ides (March)

Julius Caesar was warned about this day in 44BC and despite looking over his shoulder it didn't end well for him.

A different script doesn't change the ending although in other politics there's political robotics determining that one result isn't enough.

A surfeit of voting opportunities shows how alternative democracy (maybe should have a z instead? - democrazy?) can allow the same Meaningful Vote to be exercised three times. Increase the threat level until the politically desired answer is provided.

The crazy robot doesn't see the irony of three votes on the same thing, when the Referendum was given one fact-free vote to guess the best outcome. Rinse and repeat.

In the wings the toff and buffoon are ready to pounce whilst the frog-faced MEP holds court insulting the EU27 leadership to attempt to stop an extension.

Not 'beware the ides', so much as 'beware the latin speakers': "Latine loqui qui hodie cave"

What's the correct response now?

My hovercraft is full of eels?

Or Parklife?

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