Dear Editor,
My friend is near the end of a card game and about to bet the farm on a busted flush. Is this wise? What could the next move be after this hand has been played?
Yours, TM
ps this is the hand.
Dear TM,
I think your friend may be exaggerating their hand. I suspect it is more like the one I illustrate?
If so then maybe take up a different occupation.
The card hand is too much like the one Wild Bill Hickok was playing at the time of his demise. Dead Man's Hand, I think they call it.
Yours, Editor
Dear Editor,
Thank you for the advice.
I now look at my friend's cards more closely and realise they were not quite as I explained.
The actual cards are shown below. Is this any better?
Yours, TM
Dear TM,
Yours, Editor.
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