Time to open the door on another Thursday Thirteen. I'm combining it with the tag request from Webby's world a few weeks ago, which is one of those "08 random things about me" memes. Joe asks that the rules are published first, so here goes...
The Rules (condensed) Each player must post these rules first. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write about their eight facts on their blog. At the end of your blog post, choose eight people to get tagged, list their names, and link to them. Don’t forget to contact them telling them they’re tagged. Also, point them to your blog post so they know what to do.
So here's a few random things.
1) I was out yesterday evening at an Indian restaurant with a couple of friends. One I hadn't seen for about two years and the other for about six months.
2) I'm continuing to cycle or run most days at the moment, but decided not to keep a 'blow by blow' (stagger by stagger?) account of it on here.
3) I've just installed a new Windows environment on one of the macs. To test it I fired up explorer with this blog and noticed how the formatting on explorer was all wonky. I've spent about 15 minutes hunting down the missing brackety things to make explorer work again. No such problem with Mac.
4) Three white vans are due to deliver things to home today. There's a high probability to be out when they arrive. UPDATE One arrived whilst I was in.
6) Going to see Prince at the Dome tomorrow. I don't think the rumours are true that the sponsors have painted O2 on the roof so that it can be seen from planes and outer space.
7) Next week I will be in Belgium, on business.
8) I'm operating on expressos today. There's no milk and I'm not so fond of black tea.
9) Yesterday lunchtime, I sat on the banks of the River Thames for a while. It was the first time this summer I've noticed it being actually cold when the sun was behind a cloud. On the radio, farming news is already talking about autumn.
10) There are some very noisy builders working close to where I am typing right now.
11) I usually spend about ten minutes writing a blog entry. Thursday Thirteen and memes always seem to take longer. I guess its because they become multi themed.
13) Still no more white van deliveries. I will have to go out soon. I really need tea.
14)I won't tag people, but please self select to either do Thursday Thirteen or Joe's meme.
Tag: Thursday Thirteen, free link friday
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