That London skyscraper they're taking down floor by floor to build the Cheesegrater has had a few technical challenges and some new clever engineering over the last few weeks.
Underground, apparently there are some ex Bank vaults, complete with 1.5 meter thick concrete walls interlaced with sheets of steel. That has given the demolition crew something to think about, according to the news bulletins posted in the area. Makes some of the Bank heist films we all see seem a little less probable when we hear that authorized demolition in broad daylight has problems.
They are also rigging a new 'bracing strut' (my words) to the top of the building to help as they take the top floors down. In the diagram it looks a little bit like a bow and arrow, with the bow as the bracing strut and the arrow as the building.
Actually, there was also quite a bit of photographic interest there when I walked past. I noticed two or three people with normal clickers and a guy with a backpack and some heavy duty cameras, all taking snaps. I wonder if there's a competition or something?
And don't forget you saw it on rashbre central before the BBC.
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