Here's the thing...A couple of blogs I read fairly regularly are diamond geezer and maximum bob. They've both recently posted about how their blogs are viewed and in the case of dg there's a fairly thoughtful equation about hits, viewers, readers and those that interact.
I offer my humble chart into the discussion; Its all about activity vs words. If I'm busy, then I should have more things to write about. But then I don't always have time. So last night, tucked in the hotel, I listed a few bloggable things that I could feature over the next period. I stopped when I got to number 26.
I'm not trying to say that what I do is interesting to anyone but me, but I think it provokes an interesting quandary. Doing stuff or writing about it? There's a balance to find between the two.
Its also a challenge with ideas to 'use them up' before they go stale. As an example, the fabulous mar, a reader of rashbre central commented a few days ago about my city dweller emphasis in a number of the posts. My amused response? to take a camera out on a recent bike ride to snap a few scenes of the countryside through which I was riding. Just for fun of course. Have I posted it? Nope. And if I leave it much longer all of the trees will have gone brown and then it won't be realistic any longer.
I admire someone like dg who can develop a full blown project around a blog entry. Planning, exploring a neighbourhood, photography, meaningful commentary about what has been seen and a post of maybe 750 plus words. Similarly maximum bob who will drill into a topic to a degree worthy of a thoughtful lesson plan.
So I'm batting along at around ten minutes for a post (including a photo upload) and as a rule I sub-edit the wordage down after crashing out an initial idea. When I do a Thursday Thirteen or describe an amble across part of London or somewhere I'm visiting, then probably the time and words go up, but I must balance driving a blog with having time to read the thoughts of others and dropping an occasional comment.
ok. twenty minutes for this one (extra links to find)
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