rashbre central: no one shall sleep (nessun dorma)

Sunday, 9 September 2007

no one shall sleep (nessun dorma)

flag waving
A late night again yesterday - it was 'The Last Night of the Proms' in London. This is a traditional night at the end of the series of inexpensive concerts put on throughout the summer at the Royal Albert Hall. They are rooted in classical music, though the definition becomes broader every year.

On the last night everyone attending the main concert dresses up and takes flags, streamers and similar and there is always a conclusion with stirring British music comprising sea shanties, "land of hope and glory" and "Jerusalem".

flags whilst will young sings
Tickets for the Alb are like duck's teeth, so along with several hundred thousand others, we ambled to the Park to watch it on the big television screens. Actually there's a full show also from Hyde Park and we managed to get very close to the main stage and also near to one of the big screens, so it was easy to see everything.

Whilst the main performance from the Royal Albert Hall comprises classical music, the Park has a mixture and this year included Lesley Garrett, Juan Diego Florez, a T-Rex tribute band and Julie and Andrea's favourite, Will Young. More of that later when I can load some mobile phone video.

Great evening, with much flag waving as well as various sporting victories for England along the way, winning the soccer against Israel, the cricket and then beating the USA at rugby. "Tramontate, stelle! All'alba vincerò!"..."Set, stars; at dawn I will win!", as Pavarotti had sung from the same spot.

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