1) Thus week I have been in Brussels, Belgium and not really had any time to post blog entries or snap any photos.
2) I did go out one evening to a rather agreeable restaurant, where about ten of us enjoyed a typically Belgian supper together. We were a mixture of nationalities, with the Americans and Nordics being used to eating early and the rest of us prepared for a more leisuredly pace.
3)A bonus of the visit was being given some rather special Belgian chocolates, which have survived their trip back to England and are still unopened. Maybe this weekend...
4) I arrived back in the UK at around 19:30 in the evening and then had to go straight to another meeting in a hotel near Terminal Four. Then a phone conference call on the way home. Yes, I do have a handsfree in the car.
5) As well as the chocolates, I received another gift a few days ago; its a book on hypnotism. I shall need to practice in front of a mirrrrorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
6) Dusk this evening and I have already been hypnotised, but its by a bat that has spent a happy 30 minutes flitting around and around the garden. Quite inquisitive, once it spotted me it came up close for a look, but all the time flying at probably 40 miles per hour.
7) Strangely, I first spotted the bat a few days ago when returning on my bike. It whooshed past and I thought, "No- it can't be", but it was.
8) Also flying around this evening is a helicopter. Its quite late and an unusual sound effect at this time. Reminds me of some American cities.
9) The bat and the helicopter are not as scary as the eight Russian "bear" bombers which have been chugging around outside British airspace today. Mr Putin is testing American airspace too, whilst also selling weapons. Mr Bush probably sees it a s a competition.
10) I notice that the box of Belgian chocolates has mysteriously opened itself.
11) I don't think there'll be too many additives in the chocolates, compared with the number in some childrens' foods, which have just, today, been declared to have the potential to create hyoperactivity. "quelle surprise", as the Belgians might say (if they came from the French speaking area).
12) The French are also about to host the Rugby World Cup. I see England is to play the USA first. No problem.
13) Thatl'll do for this evening; as its already 23:30 on Thursday, I douby if I'll get any 'swaps' from this entry!
Tag: Thursday Thirteen, free link friday
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