Mnemosyne, the Greek goddess of memory has a lot to answer for, if in addition to her more obvious contribution, she also influenced the derivation of the living organism known as the meme. I was rewarded with a meme a few days ago by bob-kat, who cited rashbre central as a place where 'nice matters'. So I feel honoured and then honour bound to pass the award along.
I'm already in august company, with many who have already received the award. So I thought I'd head across to a few sites that consistently amuse and challenge me, but in most cases they are the sort to normally eschew memes and similar.
So I'll start with one of my sources of Web 3, social networking in the form of webby's world which provides an almost daily commentary on new bits and pieces of our ever more online existence.
Then onto a big site...that of the most maximum bob, someone with eclectic comment, swooping between idyllic holidays in France to the merits of the helvetica typeface, via excellent critiques of classy films. And now banned in Turkey along with all of wordpress....unless you use, of course.
I felt I should include Doris Mash (Version 2) who doesn't post daily but has some amazingly thought provoking posts which really stay in the mind.
An enjoyable site from a long way away is WindBag and Thunder in Brisbane, Australia, with a mix of folklore, mythology and amazing Flying Star Toys. I'm still trying to figure out how to negotiate with Florence for the passage of 'sweet sixteen' from Australia to England but I think my email must be disapperaing down a spam filter somewhere.
Next is actually a flickr photo stream, but it can be approached via the occasional blog called nothing to write home about. Enjoy the posts and the sumptuous photographic experiments which are easier to find on the flickr part of Debra's world.
My last one is from Vancouver. The original Netchick. I know I'm in the current writing competiton over there but for me its just for fun(I scored around 3 and the winners scored about 1000). The slightly disorganised global competition is a piece of classic fun from this original and interesting site.
Thats about the right number of people; I could easily add more and its tough to know where to stop. Fortunately I know that there's a fair few people doing this and that the 'niceness' is spreading quite well through the efforts of others. There's two forms of badge for this...The original and one which I modified. The pink crochet knitted version clashed with the usual graffiti of rashbre central.
So I'd be honoured for my nominees to accept their awards, and ask them to 'pass it forward' to hopefully make some else smile.
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