I spent longer than expected in the fens of Cambridgeshire and beyond today as a result of the exploding gas cylinders of the A14. A truck toppled over and let loose its contents of metal gas cylinders. I first noticed something untoward when the map on my sat nav went red all around Cambridge. First a few warning yellow cars and then a steady procession of little red cars marched across the map like so many ants. And then four 'no entry' signs popped up at the cardinals of Cambridge.
"Hmm", I thought, as I sat in stationary traffic, "I'd better find a local radio station". And so to Antonia on Radio Cambridgeshire drivetime, who announced that there had been an accident and then that the police had closed all of the useful roads in the most of Cambridgeshire.
Antonia Brickell's(?) slightly subversive radio style was quite entertaining whilst I whiled away my normally economical fuel consumption in the gridlock of the month. Radio Cambs lasted a good hour and a half until I finally got moving again and the station faded out of reception.
I can understand the need for exclusion zones around unidentified gas canisters; even if they were described as 'empty'. Notable was the good humour and patience of the long streams of motorists caught up in today's events.
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