What with the #strictlysweepstake, early evening Saturday television is pre-allocated and, yes, my assigned celeb is still doing okay.
It's a conveniently early show, leaving the rest of the evening open. There's also the final series III of 'The Killing', which I've been recording.
My Danish serial watching is a tad behind. I'm still only half way through episode 4 with still another two from this evening to watch.
I'm suitably hooked and have even found myself studying certain scenes and making mental notes of who is where at which time to rule out possible perpetrators. It's twistier than a twisted very twisty thing that's been extra twisted for good measure. That's before the rødt sild/vildspor/red herrings have been thrown into the mix. I might need to bring my own notepad along for the next episode.
This series also has more daytime scenes around Copenhagen, so it's fun for me to try to spot some of the areas where I've worked.
But as I'm away again next week, it may be some time before I can catch up with the latest dark rooms and powerful Danish compact flashlights.
I have only seen the American version of "The Killing" and though I started out really liking it, by the end--I was so P.O.'d at the way they left us hanging...I never watched Season two, and I guess a lot of people didn't---It was NOT reviewed for a third season here....!
Naomi I only watched a couple of episodes of the American series.
I seem to recollect it was set in Seattle? I didn't find it as gripping as the Danish version and I think it was scheduled badly over here.
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