We had that dilemma on Friday evening. We'd found a good table in a bar but needed to be somewhere else in about an hour.
Somebody suggested we should move across to the Savoy, which was close to our mid evening destination, but I was a little concerned.
The logic was perfect; to front load the journey time and then not be worried about being late at the destination.
I was more dubious about whether we'd get anywhere to sit at the Savoy. It says 'no reservations are necessary' but can be troublesome* to get into.
We headed across in any case, did that thing where you drive along the Continental side of the street at the entrance and then found ourselves in the spacious and quiet lobby.
I think this was to lull us into a false sense of security, because as we headed for the American Bar I could see the numbers increasing and sure enough both this bar and the Thames Foyer were full.
They manoeuvred us away and suggested we try the Beaufort bar back along the corridor and around the corner. I'd already heard them say we might get standing room there, but as we entered I could see a waiter on a course to intercept us.
"No room at the Inn" was the basics of his message.
"Coal Hole?" someone suggested. We all nodded and tripped back outside and around the corner to the bustling standy-up bar along the Strand.
* including the incident without a tie, but that is another story.
You know, I have passed the Coal Hole a zillion times and always wondered what kind of people go there. ;-)
Ellie Yes, its a bit of an 'after work for a quick drink' type of place really. It's reputed to have been the coal cellar for the Savoy before it became a pub.
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