I had to drop briefly into Windows today from my Mac. Its's a long story. I fired up Parallels and was greeted with the message to update to the latest version (15), which took all of 5 minutes. Then I could fire up a Parallels control panel and select my version of Windows. Windows 10, of course. And it started up, showing me the desktop before a Microsoft message appeared across the whole screen.
It told me my version of Windows 10 was superseded and I'd have to download an update. Just 6 Gigabytes. I clicked 'Download Updates' and the button didn't work. I tried I need Help. Didn't work either, so then I thought I'd try Not Right Now. It locks.
I've now got a punky blue screen across the whole Windows session, which probes tell me is using loads of CPU and network. There's no useful user feedback whatsoever.
I'm beginning to remember why I hit the big red button on Spindows.
I've been wedded to Windows since MS Windows 3, but I've reached the end of my tether with Win 10. Avoided it for months because of privacy concerns. Once I switched, I found that almost every time it updates, something breaks. Annoying! Have switched my old laptop to Linux and am impressed. Mr TLC's laptop is next. I'd happily become an ex-Windows user but sadly the laptop I use for work has to stay on Windows because there's a Windows-only app I need for work.
Yes, I still keep a Thinkpad for emergency use. MS Project / Dragon Dictate and similar.
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