rashbre central: in the thick of it

Tuesday 29 January 2019

in the thick of it

Tuesday I stumbled into this little ongoing event outside Parliament and decided to take a few iPhone snaps. It is interesting to see what is happening although it is also almost as confusing as the situation it is trying to address.

There’s that mix of reporters looking for someone to talk to and several factions loosely separated into individual clusters. It is made more complicated because each of the main groupings has some fringe outsiders as well as a few visible infiltrators from other groups.

There is little attempt at logic or rationale in arguments, instead there’s a few slogans and some chants. The amendment votes just keep the current plan rolling along, with a new attempt to adjust the sentiment of the agreements about the island of Ireland.

There's transparent cynicism to the Tory approach. Collective Tories are throwing the UK under a bus on the pretence of re-instilling a Tory unity. The tacticians' narrative about "poor ickle Britain pitted against The Europeans" is a trite way to try to reposition the debate, using the Backstop as the apparent Only Thing to be Fixed. All pure bunkum.

And worryingly little time left for more bust-ups.

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