I worked out that if everyone on the internet that receives the award then awards it to ten people, after about ten iterations everyone on the internet would have been covered. 100,000,000,000 awards is quite a lot.
So, with an average latency of 5 days per recipient, and me at least fourth in the chain, I'd only have a maximum of about twenty days to make the awards or else everyone would be saying, "thanks but I've got one". And I can only do these complicated posts with lots of links when I have more time (like watching television at the weekend).
Then, phew, I realized it doesn't work like that. Quite a few people graciously decline, and others accept and maybe don't quite pass it forward. Others get more than one award.
Anyway, I thought I'd have a go, and I've picked some from my eclectic reading and lurking that I've probably not 'memed' before in rashbre central. All are excellent in their varied ways, Click their icons to visit.
So in no particular order...
Next, a drab lie, sir, where elby is currently feeling weak and would no doubt enjoy a few visitors.
Captain Picard is part of my weekend reading, with all manner of space-age stories, competitions and even some stellar parties.
Dance, whilst no-one is watching, creates interesting musical posts and moody photography on the accompanying flickr site.
Chez la laquet, a site with entertaining word associations in amongst the varied topics against backdrop of school.
I love the smoke covers always lively, sometimes multi chapter to-ings and fro-ings in London.
Keyhole surgery; a new london poet's muse.
Fabulous Keda and the lets, in Istanbul.
Nats the name's musical selections, including much psychedelia.
Past Imperfect, by Pat. Entertaining stories from now, and then.
Philobiblon, by Nathalie, green London arts feminist guardian.
Panthergirl's varied and interesting writings, although I do get attacked a bit over on Facebook. Last time it was Mah Jong.
Carmi's place, writing, technology and plenty of photography.
What can I say,? I have to include Christina in this list, even if the site is still a bit of a copy of rashbre central!
So, my thanks to this gang, for publishing and sharing, in all manner of wonderful ways.
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