rashbre central: March 2005

Monday, 28 March 2005


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Wednesday, 16 March 2005

QAT Consulting Group

Google Cache Transcript on 14 Mar 2008...
Part of this post

"QAT Consulting Group, Inc provides wide variety of business related services including financial, legal marketing and design services directed toward the mid-size American, European, East European and Asian international business community.

From financial poiint of view we specialize in all legal ways in arranging suitable and lawful USA offshore structuring both for your business and your private affairs. As our client, you will be protected with “attorney- client privilege of information”, as defined and secured by the Law of the United States—your privacy is strictly yours and your business/tax affairs will always remain yours private matters.

From marketing and promotional point of view we will provide right business connections, assist in promoting your business, and consult you on marketing your products and services.

From design point of view we will assist you in designing your office, website and etc., applying feng shui principles that should enhace your profit capability.

Our services are comprehensive and hands on. We combine our business management and financial expertise with the expertise of our highly qualified associates- investment consultants, lawyers, bankers,independent trustees, marketing and promotion specialists, artists and feng shui masters.."

"Comprehensive and Hands On"...?

OK and what (apparently) Ashley said on her website August 2007 latest entry...

positive energy will attract positive energy: Law of Attraction
Current mood: determined

Hello Everyone!! how are you?? This Blog i am going to just talk about my feelings on relationships...from a boyfriend/girlfriend, to closest friends, to family and business relationships...they are all the same to me...

The past few months have been a roller coaster with so called friends, lovers, and family...but its something you have to deal with and confront in order to move on...

I stepped away from each situation that happened and asked myself...

1) What is this person doing to make my life better? (financial, intel, drive, networking etc.)

2) How does this person make me feel? (happy, sad, motivated, depressed, constantly doubting, drama, etc.)

3) How is this person a positive influence in my life? (do they share the same interests, same dreams, does that person make me better when i am with them, or when they are in my life...i would be the same person if they werent in my life, but its just better with them in it...is my best interest always number one in their head AND heart, etc.)

from all this, i mean...

*Does that person make you feel good?

*Does that person drive you to be better?

*Is that person right there behind you when things arent that good, or even if they are??

*Will that person be an asset to your life...(will that person have value): doesn’t have to be financial, i am talking respect, courage, and umm RESPECT.

If you are in a relationship, and it is "doing absolutly nothing" for you, makes you feel bad about yourself or situations, just causing unessesary drama, and ruining things that you may actually care about...why would you want that in your life?? you need to surround yourself with the people that make you feel good, and that will help you get to that next step in your life. that is what a relationship is all about...growing and moving forward.

Surround yourself around people that are making moves, and doing what "they want and love" with their lives, positive energy...thats what life is all about...living. Because if you dont, misery loves company, they will only try to bring you down with them...but the question is, are you strong enough, to not let that happen?

Its hard to see if you let it get to that point...

...and then from all those answers you have to decide if that person is worthy of being a part of "your" life....because it is your life, your show...you decide who you want the characters to be...not the other way around. Every person is different, every person has their voice...can you recognize your voice, listen to it, and stick up for it??


much love...aad"

Tuesday, 15 March 2005

Saturday, 12 March 2005


moving wallpaper echo beach
john peel
macbook air
rashbre radio
masque of red death
iphone oyster
britney spears
consipracy bourne
OSX Vista VMware
sun stas and you
scouting for girls with iPhones
repair thinkpad missing key
posh bangers
wordless wednesday
vinopolis and market porter
drawn bad pulp bunny
excess rewrded
M3 M25 London
London bus
starbucks coffee cup camera
rufus wainwright
cold war
kate walsh
the car man"
London bus shelter art
polar bear jazz strong and streamin mate
Logic Studio
halo3 halo4 halo5 hello hello hello
bicycle in London
vinyl to digital mp3
covent garden london
nitin sawhney
Nikon D300
Hoxton London
Brick Lane London
anosov diffeomorphism
change powerbook disk
Bus Route 137 London
videos with iMovie
harry potter
columbian magnum

Chaos and Disorder
Threads Of Gold
The Redneck Desert Dweller
The Meme Section
Seeking Thin Spaces
Ramblings of a Working Wife and Mom
Queen of a Disney Castle: King & Princes Included
Purrchance To Dream
one life among the many
My Life as a Stay-at-Home Mom
Welcome To My Moon!
Take Me Away
Life in the 'Burg
Life after college--a real job
Least Significant Bits
Mga muni-muni
Not From the Peanut Gallery
Welcome to a crazy girl's mind..........
April Decheine 2006 at a glance
A little piece of me
Victoria Krain
Taking the Scenic Route to Joy
Life As I See It
Going Crazy Slowly
bad jokes and oven chips
altjiranga mitjina
It's a Raggedy Life
Forty Before 40
live your life and smile
It's A Blog Eat Blog World
~Kin of Earth~Family of Terra~
Writing Aspirations
The Mocha Mom
Its All About Me...I Think!
{Capturing the Colors of Life}
Got Bible?
Random Ramblings of a Drifting Mind
A Musing Farf
Sunny Days at the Beach
Our Story
Well La-De-Da...
Thoughts, Ideas and Wildfires
The Roller Coaster Ride of My Life
The Mis-Adventures of Captain Poopy
The Gnostic World of Candy Minx
Confessions of a Sophisticated Writer
Parenting with a mental illness
My Life In The Hovel
Memories of the Heart by Donna
Highland Warriors
Bein' Berean
Life is RANTastic!
All About Me
A Social Phobe's Adventures in New Mommyhood
Mewsings of the Catlady
Busy's Daily Meme
Broken Spirit
Amy's Random thoughts
Tales from Creekistan
A Lady's Diversions
The Red Queen Affair
Just Bloggin' Along
Mama Loves Baby
Kids & Critters in Wyoming
Mommy Mommy Land
Scrapping SAHM
Almost Somewhat Positive
future lines
Blogger: Login to read
Too many Ideas
TorAa Music
Wordless Wednesday
The Jannaverse
lower abdominal pain
Mimi Writes.......
Mommy Colored Glasses
Starfish & Coffee
Sounds Inside my Head
mamahog 'n the lets
More Random Than Average
The Life of a Drama Mama
Valtool's Box
Dark and Twisted Ink
Bobkats House
The Purple Giraffe
Mickey's Girls
2 Bengal Kittens & a Huge Maine Coon
My Little Land of Looniness
There is Power in Prayer through Yeshua Ha’ Mashiach!
The Truth Laid Bear
A Juggling Mum
Here's to the Old Man we all know and love!! Say hello, just don't use his name! :)
Overflow of a Forgiven Soul
Past Imperfect
Inside Mo's Mind
Adventures of a Sassy Blonde!
Wordless Wednesday
Siani's Pot-Pourri
Pushing an Elephant up the Stairs
Life in the NHS
Red-Letter Day
The Ramblings of a Scottish Gopher
This Eclectic Life
Third World County 2
Mother's Home!
Married (With Children)
All About Benjamin
A "Textbook-Good" Visit
How They Remind Me!
*God is in Control.....NOT ME!
Fly Eagle Fly
The Educational Tour Marm
C's Life
Culture Shiok! Singapore OFW
Comedy Plus
Blowing In The Wind
A day in my life
...thanks for the memories
Daisy the Curly Cat
Echoes of Grace
Baba's Blog/Night Owl....Babies are Special.....
Proud SAHM
I Blog the Body Electric
"Second star to the right and straight on till morning"
Knitting and Losing
Writing My Life Away
The Two Rs - Reading & Writing...
About ICL
Blogger: Login to read
J-Dawg's Realm
* RittyRats *
J's Thoughts and Musings
Chicken's Life
mommy bytes
Yummy Mommy
Just a Spoon Full of Sugar
Faithful Mommy
Blogger: Login to read
This Little Blog of Mine
You've Got 2 B Kidding!
"Life As I know It"
Straddling the Line
Lazy Daisy Log
Shake it Like a Polaroid Picture
Gribbit’s Word — A Conservative’s View of the World from the Heartland
No Deep Thoughts
dodge this
Cozy Reader
craziequeen's palace
Ask Daddy - Mommy is Off Duty
A Virtual Hobby Store and Coffee Shop
Bloggin' Outloud
Sleeping Mommy — Another self-absorbed mommy-blogger looking for validation (and sleep), becau
– a metamorphoself of gabrielle
The musings of a juggling mother
Sparks and Butterflies...
Neville Farm
Aginoth's Retirement Ramblings
See Suzy Spin
The Splintered Mind by Douglas Cootey
Welcome to www.rightlinx.com
the ageless project
CommonSenseAmerica - Illegal Immigration, America, Freedom, News and Opinion
CommonSenseAmerica - Illegal Immigration, America, Freedom, News and Opinion
Site Temporarily Unavailable
area fifty-one
Whisperings From The Wings
Pink Cosmopolitans
Ladybug Crossing
Life in the NHS
Written Inc.
Shelley's incoherent ramblings....
The Dog's Breakfast
Jen's Horde
Inside My Wild Mind
thoughts from along the broken road...
Plum Crazy Millers...where purple, passion and peace reside.
Committees of Correspondence
As My World Turns - A Conservative Mom in Her "Right" Mind
Dane Bramage
Mark My Words - commentary on news, politics, religion, philosophy, science and social issues
Life Is Precious
A Girl in Metamorphosis
Party Pascha
The Tar Pit
Moogies World
third world county
Conservative Cat
WebKittyn Warbles
The Woman Wonders
The Hodgepodger
TMH’s Bacon Bits
Whistling in the Light
reflections in the mirror
Daydreams and Musings
The Fountain Pen
Oblogatory Anecdotes
Stop The ACLU
Tidbits and Treasures
Chez le laquet!
Ramblings of A Gin Soaked Girl
The Uncooperative Blogger-Independent Conservative Politics, Opinion and Podcasts on U.S. News and W
Liberal Common Sense
Hillside Meditations
Forward Biased
P o n d P e r s p e c t i v e
The Poor Mouth
Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker
Whiskey Talking
Skittles' Place
Chat Aux Sphynx
Here Comes A Storm
Dallas Miao'd
DragonLady\’s World
403 Forbidden
West of Mars -- the Meet and Greet
Yada Yada Yada
Domestic Geek | All This and I Can Cook, Too!
Blogger: Login to read
Jack of All Trades
Dog's Eye View
Blog That Mommy!
Maggie's Notebook
Cyndi's Corner
MamaArcher's Blog
Musings Of A Manic Mom - Mommy Hood (Motherhood) and Step Parenting at it's very best in a blended f
For Such a Time as Now
Ash in Wonderland
Blog @ MoreWhat.com
The Uncooperative Blogger-Independent Conservative Politics, Opinion and Podcasts on U.S. News and W
Beaman's World
New York Traveler
A stitch in time
Unlicensed Mommy
Using My Powers for Good by Jenny Ryan
Inspiration Alley
I Will Not Eat The Darkness
Journey of Cross and Quill
The Pink Flamingo :: Main Page
403 Forbidden
Bravenet.com - Free Journal and Web Hosting
The Naked Truth N’s Online Reading List
Maryanne's Blog: Powdering Our Noses
crickl's nest
Gone to Plaid: The Blog
Absolutely Average
Forward Biased
DSB - Inactive former blog
Karen's Kooky Blog
History Is Elementary
The Movie Monkey
Confessions from the Rubber Room...
Chinese MetroGurl
Turtle Thoughts
This is a test
She who laughs, lasts.
Woman Honor Thyself
Send Chocolate
Extreme Adventures in Knitting and Motherhood
Fond of Snape
403 Forbidden
403 Forbidden
From Tracie
The Knut Hut
Imperfect Genius
7 Deadly Sins
Quotidian Commentary
Biker Betty
The Art Of Living And Dying
Who's Yo Mama?
third world county
Faith Family & Friends
Regular Jo
403 Forbidden
one tenacious baby mama

Thursday, 3 March 2005

blog party

partyHave you been to check this out? About 400 visitors and still counting!

Greetings if you've come here from the party, please leave a comment and/or a link!

And for amusement, here's the list of visitors the the actual party!