Fascinating to hear Trump using some of the plot moves from The Square in real life.
A small extract...
Elisa started, "When I lived in [redacted], I used to work with the [redacted] government on virus research. The funding provided by the government to this was exceptional and it was a great place to work."
"My own research was purely medical-related and was looking for advances in immunology. I knew many of the other scientists and although we didn't talk directly about the classified material, it was obvious that there was another group working on munitions style virus product. - A reverse take on scientists that build and those that destroy. This was science to kill and science looking for an antidote."
"At some point one of the labs was closed down completely. We were told it was electrical problems, but everyone knew it was a toxin-related closedown. The whole lab system had to be sealed off. I wasn't directly involved in any of it but several people I knew were and they looked pretty scared about what had taken place."
"And then I noticed that the team were all transferred away. It was overnight, and they just disappeared. I have not heard from any of them since."
"So how did this link to the threat to you?" asked Clare.
"It didn't," answered Elisa.
"But I did spend some time thinking about what seemed to have happened."
"They were making something nasty and then disappeared?" asked Clare, glancing towards Chuck.
Elisa continued, "Clare's right. They were working on a type of biological weapon. Using some form of airborne viral carrier - which is actually more difficult than it sounds. Let me explain..."
Oh, and this old cartoon shows how Chuck Manners met Elisa Solomon, then travelling under a pseudonym.
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