The latest Big Lie has almost been accomplished. It's routinely uttered and is something to do with democracy and the will of the people.
"The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous."*
Processions of politicians come on to the television and use normalising sound bites about the will of the people, whilst they talk about proroguing Parliament to get Brexit 'across the line'. They're using accessible sporting metaphors to make it sound more like an inconvenient tussle, rather than something that can create vast economic spoilage. Observe the British Pound's trajectory. First, News of Brexit and then subsequent interminable bickering has seen it slide ever south.
Trade and pensions dilution, anyone?

The entirely ego-powered Boris has no plan; he's shown that he learns repeatable sound bites and unerringly trots them out, with much-exaggerated arm-waving. GATT Article XXIV Paragraph 5b? or 5c? blah blah blah- "In London we had special bicycles." No, someone has Stabilo-marked Boris a quick-read version of GATT. (5a covers customs union and 5b covers free-trade, 5c covers making a plan)
And there's the detail: Liam Fox, the U.K. trade secretary and a Brexiteer, rejected the GATT approach. Bank of England Governor Mark Carney has repeatedly said Article XXIV only applies if two trading partners have already agreed to a trade deal. The EU has repeatedly said that it won’t engage in mini-deals if the withdrawal agreement isn’t ratified, meaning tariffs would be imposed as well as border checks. WTO Director-General Roberto Azevedo in May said there must be a bilateral agreement between the EU and U.K. in order to claim an implementation period under GATT Article 24.
I'm forgetting, no one listens to the B-side when the A-side has a blond rock-god on it.
The clubby Tory leadership votes are mostly in with around 75% of the elite voting for the plucky charlatan. The elephant-clown puppet has no plan and will bluster his way through to economic destruction by Halloween.

Meanwhile, the other lot are pitifully squabbling in public, with the detached ego of a playpenning Corbyn wrangled by his inner crew, whilst being abhorred by others high in the party. They are busy with their self-generated distractionary topic preventing locked horns on the main business.
* from die große Lüge
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