It has started, the tweaks to the Civil Service manners of writing (Rees-Mogg), the full bore Gove propaganda through the gov.uk website and the planned £100 million household campaign from Boris. Tee-shirted Dominic Cummings must be very pleased with himself coddled in his personal bunker in Number 10.

Cummings and Gove know these approaches linguistically reinforce a State's totalitarian dominance of its people. As warnings, seldom have the covers of The Economist and Private Eye been so interchangeable.

In Newspeak, root words function as nouns and verbs, which reduced the vocabulary available for the speaker to communicate meaning; for example, 'think' is both a noun and a verb so that the word 'thought' is not functionally required to communicate the concepts of thought in Newspeak; hence, the English word 'thought' is not in the Newspeak vocabulary.
As personal communication, Newspeak can be spoken in staccato rhythm, using short-syllable words that are easy to pronounce and dare I* say tweet, which generates speech that is physically automatic and intellectually unconscious, thereby diminishing the possibility of critical thought occurring to the speaker.
For some it is seductive; English words of comparative and superlative meanings and irregular spellings are simplified into the regular spellings of Newspeak so that better becomes gooder and best becomes goodest.
The prefixes plus- and doubleplus- are used for emphasis, creating plusgood and the superlative doubleplusgood. Adjectives are formed by adding the suffix –ful to a root-word, so that goodthinkful means "Orthodox in thought."
Adverbs are formed by simplistically adding the suffix –wise, creating goodthinkwise, meaning "In an orthodox manner".

So we must prepare for the onslaught. I was shocked to read Gove from the Gov.uk website today. A formal position paper bylined by Gove, bullet pointed by Cummings and drafted by a marketeer copy writer? An example: "With a new prime minister, a new government, and a new clarity of mission, we will exit the EU on October 31. No ifs. No buts. No more delay. Brexit is happening." Propaganda?
Curiously, the Clown has distanced himself from Gove's officious bully posturing. Cummings knows his stuff about projects. Step 1 : select scapegoat.
* Yes, I know that 'I' has been removed from the style guide by the Moggster
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