Of course he is a comic-book character. The problem is he is a dangerous one. Let's recap. He started out as a sloppy journalist, making up news about the EU from his well-paid office. He routinely invented things that were a little bit suspect and enjoyed inserting them into the mainstream media. One could accuse him of being a leading portrayer of fake news, right back at the start of his ascent.
He played everything for laughs back then and was seen as a clown rather than dangerous. Maybe young Nigel was also swayed by the arguments placed by Boris, in the Max Hastings orchestrated press.

The latest examples are typical. Much exaggerated arm-waving, and a downright lie about kipper packaging. EU-Rules. No. UK rules, actually. Where are your support staff, by the way? Boris can blither on, but this is typical of the type of errors he will go on to make as a Prime Minister, prancing whilst preening his own ego.
Has someone told him to follow up his bus act with a (u)kipper incident, once more to fool the search engines? Red bus, Red Herring?
Would that it were so simple.
The man is useless, a liar, erratic, and won't solve anything.
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