Unlike the various press reports of disaster, it transferred without incident, albeit taking the best part of two hours.
The phone in question isn't my main one; I preferred to transfer something less critical to check that the various email and calendars (which include Exchange) all worked before I took the plunge with what I consider to be my 'work' device.
It's raised another interesting set of questions about the iCloud transfer, which is a sort of inevitability because the old .mac/.me mobile system is being phased out sometime next year.
It's one of the few times where I need to read the small print before I start moving things though - because some services are no longer supported.
My issue will be with the Apple Macs I still use that are "pre Lion" and non-upgradeable. The main need will be for them to still access email and remain generally synchronised.
I think everything will be ok, but once I've typed 'Yes' into the relevant 'move to iCloud' boxes it looks like a one-way-trip.
Maybe I'll paint the garage doors today instead.
Being technically challanged...what is iCloud?
If you could email me---I would very much appreciate it---unless, you prefer explaining it here on your blog, my dear. THere may be others unfamiliar with what this is and what it does, etc.....
Glad to hear it's not all a day of reckoning experience.
Naomi: The cloud is the way that most IT vendors are selling their solutions nowadays.
Think of it as a big space where both programs and data can reside that's not on your computer. If you use Picasa (I know you do) then that's a simple example os a cloud type application.
It works without you having it installed on your computer.
It's the same with flickr, which a lot of people use to put photos onto the internet.
It's mainly 'free' or has low fees (because so many people use it).
The big suppliers like Microsoft, IBM, Apple and so on are all thinking about the best ways too 'monetize' this now so that you get some for free and then pay annual subscriptions of the rest.
Its only really been possible since people have faster line access (broadband) so that they can get to things that are stored far away.
iCloud is the name of the Apple version of the Cloud.
Ellie : I think the garage doors may be a moment of reckoning though.
The wood stain looks fine in the tin but probably will need several coats to get the doors back to a reasonable condition.
I wore a brown tee-shirt stating "Miss Scarlet, in the Library with a revolver" to partly distract from the messiness.
Now painting the garage doors - that I understand:)
I made the switch this weekend, too, and the world doesn't seem to have ended. I rather like not having my data so closely tied to my hardware. I've been using Gmail for years, and watching folks wrestle with moving Outlook PST files from machine to machine made me an early believer in the cloud.
Nice to see the rest of the world catching up. It's about time.
Pat The doors are rather nice shade of brown. I will separately paint the little metal rivety things once the wood stain has dried.
Carmi Indeed, everything is still working across my multiple generations of iStuff. Even the work Thinkpad on W7 seems to have kept up.
Like you, I've been using various web/cloud services for years and its interesting that the vendors are now using it as a specific marketing angle.
For my Apple stuff its the first time I can recollect having to properly think about an update. Even the RISC->Intel change was pretty effortless.
Macs have always traded on their simplicity 'It Just Works' and I hope this more fiddly transition is something of a one-off.
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