My theory is its since the house across the way had some work done.
They added solar cells to the roof.
Good plan, but then they had to arrange for two tall trees to be cut down so that the sun could reach the cells.
So I'm guessing that the bats lived in the quite tall tree.
Notice I said bats, not bat, because I did notice this evening that there were two or three swooping around.
They are very fast and darting so I simply pointed the camera towards one flying around and pressed the shutter.
The frame came out black - but I turned up the brightness to see if anything came out.
It may look like a black smudge, but I know it's a bat.
Well...all I see is an all black photograph, my dear....Your eyes must be a lot better than!
Well...I copied it and went into Picasa and "lightened" it and Lo & Behold...There was 'The Bat'.....!
Naomi : I think I might need to try something with a flashgun. This night-time photography is a bit challenging
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