The little mermaid became a daughter of the air in the real version of the story. She'd walked on legs as painful as swords whilst unable to speak and then through self sacrifice moved onto a path towards an eternal soul.
Putting 35,000 delegates into the mermaid's city and expecting debates to reach conclusion was perhaps optimistic. It can become more like crowd control and revert to the safety of procedure and form, rather than content and outcome.
With factions and passing statesman showboat agendas, there's a risk that the main purpose is swamped. At its basic, there's a few main greenhouse topics like:
- Will industrialized countries reduce emissions of greenhouse gases?
- Will Chindia limit emissions?
- Will the developed world supply dosh to help developing countries?
- How will the process and money get managed?
Its a shame if it all becomes a cynical exercise in table shape wrangling after two years of preparation. I'd call that high carbon footprint industrial tourism.
In the story, the mermaid's destiny is shaped by good deeds from children of the earth.
Let's hope so.
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