Its ages since I did a Thursday Thirteen, so I'll have a go tonight, Actually, its nearly Friday although I've only just got back home. I shall have to think of something simple this evening.
I know; a few things about my week.
1) I started slightly late this morning. I'd been out late yesterday evening and awarded myself an extra half hour snooze.
2) The previous evening I'd also been out late, spending part of the evening in a debate about Afganistan.
3) Because of my prior commitment, I couldn't attend the Shoot Portobello private viewing in Notting Hill where one of my pictures had won a prize.
4) Luckily, Team Rashbre were represented, however, and we claimed our prizes which included an intriguing coffee table book about camper vans. I saw it late in the evening, when I stopped off for a cup of expresso.
5) I've spent a long time in traffic jams on the M3 this week too. There seem to have been some unfortunate circumstances which have created very long delays.
6) That means I've heard more of the news commentary than I normally do. I heard about the further extension of the "no cover up" Princess Diana inquest, which has now been in process for around ten years and is on its third judge. It still all seems rather clandestine when even figures at the very top of the British Establishment can't get facts established after such a long period.
7) And the related news that Prince Hal is probably off to Iraq now. Let's put the heir to the throne in harm's way, where there are already at least a couple of groups considering him a high profile target.
9) Tomorrow, I suspect I will work from home. I have been on the road a fair amount recently, and it will be good it I can have a travel free day.
10) Luckily I bought some milk this evening, so I could probably stay in doors all day withour being distracted by the need to shop for groceries.
11) Unfortunately, I chose to buy the milk in a nearby supermarket gas station, but because it was after nine o clock, they would not let me into the shop part. I therefore had to visit the main store, and then to queue for ages to buy the milk.
12) I noticed a regional newspaper in the store refered to upcoming local elections with an online voting option. When I got home, the television news was explaining that they have inadvertantly given a Conservative candidate a Labour logo and in another place allocated the Conservation Party instead of the Conservatives. Almost as much fun as the Florida chads.
13) Well I seem to have reached 13, even if they are somewhat random this evening. Next stop, the kettle for a cup of tea.
Tag: Thursday Thirteen, free link friday
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