1) I haven't posted a Thursday Thirteen for several weeks.
2) Its about a year since the first time I posted a Thursday Thirteen and as I've posted 27, then I seem to be averaging one post every two weeks (although it has slowed down recently)
3) I have been rushing about again over the last few weeks. My working role has changed somewhat and that implies I will need to do some more travelling, although I do try to use audio and video conferences when possible.
4) I've also had to provide personal identity to three different organisations over the last 2-3 weeks. In one case I''ve had to send away my passport and driving licence as well as a utility bill. I have another session like this in a few days time. I'm told it is related to money laundering and other anti-societal acts.
5) This weekend I will try to finish an edit of the Warhol DVD from Edinburgh. I have three separate video streams, two of which I have already uploaded and the third is another hour of cutaways to be dropped into the main storyline. I must try to remember to upload the last tape tomorrow evening, so that it is ready for editing.
6) My car needs to be serviced. The little spanner indicator has lit up and the other day it went into 'get you home' mode which basically means it lost its acceleration until i switched it off and on again. This is something they program into modern cars as a safety feature. I wonder if they also encourage it to kick in just after the service interval has passed?
7) I have been working with a lot of American people recently and it has shifted my work day towards Eastern Standard Time - as I live in the UK, does this mean I should get up later in the morning?
8) I've run out of milk so I'm drinking strawberry, blackcurrant and banana smoothie when I really would like a cup of English style tea with milk.
9) September is the month I usually see a few spiders wandering about indoors. True to form, there have been a few weaving improbable webs over the last few days.
10) Next week I will be in the UK all week, but the following week is looking like Antwerp, Paris, Frankfurt and maybe Helsinki. I've only been to Helsinki once before and then I spent most of the time in a Russian tea room.
11) There's a lot in the news about global warming this week and how something needs to change in the next four years. Popular estimates are that the Universe is 13.5 billion years old and the Earth around 4.5 billion years old. It kinda makes four years seem rather a short time.
12) There has also been a lot about Banksy the urban artist now in California and his new work called "elephant in the room" which is about global attitudes to poverty, hunger and similar large scale but often ignored problems.
13) Time for bed
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