I'll be trapped indoors on Monday waiting for The Engineer to Fix The Internet.
They will be doing a broadband update and have to do things indoors between 0800 and 1300 (but please allow an additional four hours after 1300, in case the engineer arrives at the end of the allotted time period).
At some time I'll tell the story of the broadband update, which started in about last August. This should be the final iteration, but I won't tempt fate and say too much until it has been completed.
The engineering connection with today's picture is tenuous, except that I may use some of the waiting-in time to collect a few pictures of politicians wearing hard hats. I've decided that there should be some sort of scoring in the run up to the election. Some starter categories:
- Economy : politicians in Hard Hats (5 points)
- Workforce : politicians in High Visibility jackets talking to workers (5 points)
- Education : politicians in classrooms with school children (5 points)
- Health Service : Politicians in a medical setting (5 points)
- Healthcare : Politicians with a patient/patients (5 points)
- Rural : Wellington boots (green 3, black 5)
- Banking and related : Politicians with bankers, in suits and ties in office setting (-3 points)
- Well heeled people : Politicians playing golf, drinking red wine or champagne (white wine not included) (- 3 points)
- Expected : Politicians drinking cocktails, explaining sleaze or expenses problems (-10 points)
- Everyman : Politicians drinking a beer, smoking a cigarette, or eating chips/fast food (-1 point)
- Sporting : Politicians in lycra, with knee pads, at rugby, polo or similar events (-5 points)
All scoring can be cumulative, except when in bad taste (smoking in a hospital for example).
I may need a tumblr site for this...