rashbre central: how was I supposed to know it was a party?

Wednesday 12 January 2022

how was I supposed to know it was a party?

So Tuesday's Urgent Question was answered by junior minister Michael Ellis, on a deserted Tory front bench. Johnson was probably hiding in a refrigerator somewhere, although he was let out for a run on but had to return, somewhat bedraggled, in a luxury car.
Meanwhile, today, Rishi is in Ilfracombe and Johnson is making up derisible excuses about not knowing that the bottles of wine, bags of crisps and Chumbawumba on the speakers represented a party. Authored by lawyers, what he says is also careful to sidestep personal culpability. 

Meanwhile the 'clean up your phones' message sent to anyone likely to be implicated hasn't yet surfaced. Last one to do it will probably become the scapegoat.

It must be unusual to work at No 10, if routine boozing makes it difficult to detect an actual party. Rosie Holt shows a good indication of the slippery line that Johnson is taking.

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