rashbre central: aletheiometers all 'round

Friday 13 December 2019

aletheiometers all 'round

I've got a new new alethiometer. We're all going to need one now.

Boris 'Le Menteur' Johnson and his gangsters have been elected. 'Brexit is easy,' we're told and the pound is already climbing to new heights.

The update for the new model quite simple. Stand the old compass near to the new one and, much like an iPhone, it'll do the updates automatically.

Now, I asked it "what's happening?" and got "wild man, serpent, globe" from the first reading. It's trying to tell me that a maniac who falsifies is grasping great political power.

Surely not?


Nikki - Notes of Life said...

I've never heard of an alethiometer before!

Merry Christmas! :)

rashbre said...

It is a Philip Pullman invention from Dark Materials. A kind of truth detector.