The caped master of darkness continues to hold Boris in his spell. Crash land the Brexit negotiation and blame the EU. An obvious grubby tactic to try to regain some support by blaming the others.

The Crime Minister simply has to remain square-jawed, augmented with as many lies as necessary to paint the picture. It will appeal to the anti-EU brigade in any case. I'm a little astonished that he can run so many parallel deceits. Astroturfing, The Red Bus, The American friend, Crosby leverage, Facebook manipulation, leaked anonymous briefings, pro bono lobby friends and the list goes on.
The shadowy Doominic doesn't care and will feed his habit.

Dark smiles whilst he wrecks the Tories and systematically destroys the UK constitution.

All have big squalid Xs in the box now. Not what was intended by 'take back control' or 'strong and stable'.
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