That new movie Unsane with Claire Foy as the leading character is a sort of stalker take on a Gaslight movie. Whilst with some sunny outdoor moments, it's set largely within a hospital and oft-times inside the head.
Close quarters and dimly lit, it was entirely made on iPhones. It makes me wonder how the techniques for iPhone and very small camera based movies will develop. Some of the static well-lit scenes have incredible detail, other major story-telling parts go somewhat murky and dare I say blurry.

For monochrome movies there developed all kinds of back-light/rim light techniques to set the right noir tones. You almost can't have a noir without one of those shutters/blinds scenes and some of that cigarette smoke...For Canon/Lumix/RED style big lens digital there's a chance to show off creamy blurry depth of field.
Now with the tiny cameras, away from Top Gear style saturation and magic bullet post-processing, there'll presumably be a whole new set of techniques? I suppose this movie is something of a trailblazer. All the way from selfies to wide-screen?

Here's a trailer for the movie, although, by way of a warning, it is one of those that partially summarises the plot.
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