It's one thing to advertise biscuits on the tube, even to blast those across platform retailing projections that TfL is so pleased to be extending. But you should not be invading my personal wristwatch with your crass marketing*.
Tim Cook said of the Apple Watch on his wrist. "This isn’t obnoxious. This isn’t building a barrier...it will tap my wrist" (with silent vibrations) "I can casually look and see what’s going on."
Okay if it is some big news story, even the weather or a daily health statistics update.
But an advertisement for cheap crackers in a local store?
C'mon. Someone has lost the plot. And where one apprentice marketeer stumbles, a whole meddle of errant marketeers will follow.
Why get Jony Ive, Marc Newson, Alan Dye and the whole team of designers to come up with a personal, customisable watch and then let barbarians attack it with value-destroying promotions?
I suppose it has taken a couple of years for this crass monetisation to start.
Tim & Jony, get it sorted.
* And yes, I know there are ways to suppress the notifications, but I should not need to do this
1 comment:
Everything seems to be an avert these days!
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