I've been watching Breaking Bad through all of the series and there's only a few to go now.
The proposition is of a teacher with cancer who goes into the drugs business to make quick money for his family. He hooks up with a waster guy and they create a crystal meth lab, initially in a camper van.
It's one of those series in the debate about changing viewing habits as people consume whole series from streaming libraries now instead of watching advertising riddled real-time television.
It's not got the same level of buzz in the U.K. compared with America, where there's all manner of spin offs for the last few episodes.
An example is the idiots' guide for the first four series, which give a usable recap of the show.
To go with the last few episodes (Series 5, Part 2), there's been various television appearances including the main character, Bryan Cranston, who walked around Comic-con wearing a mask portraying his character, to avoid identification.
The series creator, Vince Gilligan, was interviewed in the UK a few days ago on Front Row about the show and admitted that the first series had low viewing figures when originally released, but it then picked up via the streaming offers.
Vince Gilligan is an interesting guy, having originally created some X-Files episodes, after he sent a script in on spec, and then later won the first series of Breaking Bad. He's also been interviewed extensively in the US, including this in-depth one. He explains the trail blazing of other series like Sopranos but also the need to make Breaking Bad's lead different. A regular guy who goes darker as the series runs.
As well as the serious trailers and interviews, theres a whole series of mini spin offs including the "Breaking Bad as a Sitcom" (try adding a laughter track and it does go a bit weird), "Breakbad Mountain", a variant of Downton Abbey called "Breaking Abbey" and various appearances of Breaking Bad characters in cartoon series.
Here's the sitcom, and a few outtakes.
And maybe a few outtakes from Series Five.
I'm up-to-date, but theres' still a few episodes to go. Anything could happen. Crooked lawyer Saul could even get a spin-off show...
I'm expecting it to feature in the Emmys.
I think this is a fantastic show, in every way...Such an interesting premise, and having watched it from Day-1, well, as you know, It has been quite a ride....Walter White is one of the most interesting characters ever created for a series---The actors are all superb---Anna Gunn---FABULOUS; the writing and direction also--Superb!
Giancarlo Esposito's character was so menacing in this quite scary scary way....He, Mr. Esposito, was truly SUPERB, and should have won the Emmy....Of course, this story cannot have a good end...It is very very interesting to watch as these last episodes unfold. "Breaking Bad" is, for me, right up there in the Top 5 of The All Time GREAT GREAT Series, Ever!!!
I've been playing the "greatest series ever" game with friens. We all agree The Sopranos no. 1; Breaking Bad is usually on its heals. I like it but it makes me uncomfortable to an extent that I have to stop. Weirdly, The Killing is my 2nd favourite; don't know why that doesn't weird me out. The Shadow Line is another great one, but only 1 series so not sure it counts. Also The Wire .... All of which I have watched "the new way" - paid, downloads, watchd advertising free.
PS - I love Saul!
Naomi, Ellie I think its almost time for a best TV series post.
I'm an addict and love Saul.
My French son has just brought me the latest and I'm saving it as a treat.
I wrote about it on my blog but it started some controversy so I don't mention it now. My guilty secret.
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