My cycling mileage has just flipped over 3000 miles year to date, which means I'll probably do more than last year.
I hadn't linked my cycling mileage with my car mileage, but -duh- I've noticed that my car miles have reduced. Probably 1/3 less car miles averaged over the last 2 years since my last new car. What I hadn't realised was the effect that it could also have on my car insurance, which has also gone down slightly, even staying with the same company.
That's not what happened with household insurance, which has been quietly increasing year on year. Two years ago I didn't notice their crazy adjustments and I foolishly let the new premium go through unchallenged.
This year they shot themselves in the foot, because there was also a further increase that tipped me into meerkat territory. Yes. Time to compare the market and attain a significant saving. Of course, I phoned my old company as well and they were happy to offer various reductions to the premium, which by the end of the call was down to nearly half of the original quote.
I felt I had to say 'No' to them though, based upon the huge differential. Along the way I noticed errors in their quote produced from a perfectly good quote in prior years. They seemed to know about these 'computer errors' and I can't help notice these accidents worked in their favour.
We will never know though. The policy is now with a different supplier.
And another meerkat is on the way from Meerkovo.
Cute Video...! I'm still trying to figure out the reference to Meerkat country or territory was....
NaomiOne of the most common insurance comparison websites in the UK is referred to as:
Check out the website!
The link takes me back to you and then says the page doesn't exist.
Maybe try again? I'd love to see their Website!
second attempt
Check out the website!
And you've got the muscles to prove it:)
Love the Meercats before Corrie too.
Those meerkats are funny!
Funnily enough, I've not long renewed my car insurance... also with a different provider. I managed to get it £100 cheaper, with more stuff added on and £70 cashback through Quidco... My old car insurer didn't even bother to try and match it and I'd been with them for years.
Pat I guess the comparison websites create more time for 'keep fit' becasue they are so much less time-consuming than the old ways of 'shopping around'.
Those little meerkat stings make me think it can't be long before a meerkat movie.
Nikki-ann It was quite an eye-opener with regard to the savings, even disregarding some of the 'unknown' companies that quoted. I suppose the previous insureres are relying on inertia selling.
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