I see the new Baccalaureate (Baccalauréat?) exam system promoted by Mr Gove is to be abandoned?
A pan-European idea purportedly scuppered by European Union procurement rules?
Or is the red light some handily contrived excuse because everyone in the 'education franchise' thought it wouldn't work?
Gove condemned GCSEs as insufficiently demanding, instead requiring more 'O level-like' end of year exams instead of assessed coursework. He wanted the certificate-less system in place before the next election and the first exams in 2017 - which teachers, Ofqual, many MPs didn't believe in or believe possible.
For le bac, the French have had since Napoleon's time to get it working properly in its various BAC S, ES and L guises.
It will be interesting to see how Gove's climbdown gets spun today. With Orwell still in the syllabus, there's a kind of doublethink around what is being said.
As a member of the Notting Hill Set, Gove is firmly in the Cameron, Osborne, Vaizey clan. But maybe not Bullingdon enough for the support that Osborne receives.
So let's guess which of Gove's advisors break cover over this one?
No 'Gove-levels' certificates for the right answers.
Uh oh... that's about the last thing I expected to see on here (admittedly I don't much keep up with UK news these days). What made me react is that I actually hold one of those!
Education and healthcare, the two most important issues (as I see it) and no one has the answers.
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