The pub was jam-packed as if everyone had decided to go somewhere ahead of the ever more excited weather forecasts.
So maybe today invites a chance to contemplate. This morning's few footprints can tell stories but it's mainly that everyone and their cats are adjusting plans.
And this snow without flurries is already fast melting. A freeze frame moment just before hitting Play.
Great capture on the robin there!
We must be the only part of Britain, no Europe, not to have any snow! The hilltops had some last week, but even that's gone now.
We had a flurry here but it is all gone today. Most disappointing.
Love the robin freeze frame :)
I can hers the crunch crunch of the footsteps on the snow.
Hear. Still getting used to typing on iPad.
Digging that image of the robin.
Nothing here in deepest Somerset and its turned warmer.
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