As its Vegas, we can't tell too many tales of what goes on. However, my gambling was pretty good.
I decided to splurge a full $10 on the slots and started out at the Rio, whilst collecting some tickets for a show.
I worked my way through a variety of low spend machines, winning a dollar or two as I went along. When I found a winning machine, a man popped up from behind it and started singing on a small stage. Only one number, but I wondered if it had been done to distract.
I continued and then a few minutes later a dancing girl wearing not very much popped up on the same stage whilst another started to offer me drinks. I was up to at least $16 by this point, and the machine was making all manner of excited sounds.
In the end, I had to leave, but cashed in my winnings which finally peaked at $18 - thats a full $8 profit for less that half an hour of button pressing.
I returned to the Palazzo and decided to try a similar machine to see if my luck continued.
But No. In less than five minutes my winnings were wiped out and I was down to $2 from my original $10.
I decided to save the $2 for a later gamble.
This played out when we were on our way back from a restaurant. I put the $2 into a machine and pressed the button for what amounted to 3 or 4 goes. On the third go, some lights flashed and the machine went into deep thought for what seemed like a long time.
I'd won again. This time $135. I decide to press the 'print coupon' button and triumphantly cashed the money.
At this point I could say I had gambled successfully in Vegas.
But don't tell anyone.
Not bad for a $10 spend!
I think if I ever went into anywhere like that I'd have to only take with me the amount of money I was willing to lose (e.g. that $10!).
It's all about knowing when to stop.
I met two well travelled Scottish ladies in Canada and of all the places they had visited Vegas was their favourite. Sadly I never made it.
Nikki-ann - quite right too. It's about 'entertainment' rather than money making.
Pat: I think its a place to only spend 2-3 days in a row, but an interesting experience nonetheless.
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