Day Two back at work today and I'm still holding onto the holiday spirit so that nothing will phase me. I was soon into some meetings with mainly folk from the Nordic countries, for whom their earlier June/July vacations are already a month past.
Then I noticed another northern meeting (this time to the North West, around Liverpool) slipped into my calendar for tomorrow. I decided to drive there late today, and booked a last minute non-refundable hotel room so that I'd be ready for tomorrow morning. That was at around 11:00, after we'd confirmed the meeting was to go ahead.
By 11:38, a little cloudette appeared as our contacts suddenly realized they had another urgent appointment and blew out the meeting - by email. I'm probably too sensitive, but feel this breaks some kind of meeting etiquette on at least a couple of levels.
Naturally, other demands have already filled in the time, so I decided to keep my relatively cloud free blue sky thinking for a few days longer.
(yes, Shakespeare. Hamlet.)
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