rashbre central: my little piece of sky

Friday 21 April 2006

my little piece of sky

Working from home today, I started with a telephone conference with Amsterdam and Brussels at 08:00UK. I've been on the phone pretty much continuously since then, interspersed with some email and IM-ing (is that a word now?). That was until my enforced break about an hour ago, which now finds me with adhesive fingers, a hole and some water in the wrong place.

Essentially, we had one of those moments when the sky fell, or at least a piece of ceiling decided to fall, accompanied by a reasonable amount of water. Lets just say I wasn't the cause of all this and the remediation to a couple of areas of home was already under way before I became involved, but it has disrupted the flow of the day with the flow of water, somewhat.

Most of the wet stuff is now back in places where wet stuff is supposed to be, the sky is back in the air again and a large expanse of carpet currently makes a squelching sound. By tomorrow I expect things will be back to normal and in about seven minutes I can resume my schedule.

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