rashbre central: Folksongs are your friends

Thursday 8 September 2005

Folksongs are your friends

In addition to learning to play the guitar, it's useful to check out a few music genres. I've always liked folk songs and so what more natural than to look for a few in C F and G. However, there are a few warnings to deal with in folk songs.
For example, portents about weather, particularly when delivered by an old sailor who is not currently chatting up a country maid, are always worth heeding as is the advice to avoid navigable waterways.
Don't let yourself be talked into going down by the wild rippling water, the wan water, the salt sea shore, the strand, the lowlands low, the Burning Thames, and any area where the grass grows green on the banks of some pool. The cliffs overlooking navigable waterways aren't safe either.
Broom, as in the plant, should be given a wide berth. Stay away from the greenwood side, too.

A fuller explanation is available from Making Light- Folksongs are your friends.

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