The Muggle Prime Minister tries to work out why everything is in turmoil. A bridge collapses and murders occur until the new Minister of Magic explains it is a war of the wizards vs the Death Eaters who are acting on the orders of Voldemort. The sister witches, Narcissa and Bellatrix visit Snape, who says he's been spying for Voldemort for years. Narcissa's son, Draco Malfoy has been chosen for a dangerous assignment by Voldemort; and Snape says he will keep an eye on Draco.
Dumbledore visits the Dursleys to take Harry to spend his holiday with the Weasleys and tells Harry that Sirius had willed all his posessions to Harry. Returning to school Harry is hailed as the “Chosen One” - partly because of what he did in the last book and also because he wants to have a go at beating the Death Eaters. Harry starts to think that Draco is a Death Eater. Harry discovers his own spell book includes cheats and starts to use them. The book is signed "Property of the Half-Blood Prince."
Dumbledore coaches Harry about Voldemort, including looking into peoples' memories where he sees Merope and Morfin, the last living descendants of Slytherin. The two of them are both violent and mad from inbreeding designed to make them “purebloods". Merope had a Muggle child named Tom Riddle, who ultimately joins Hogwarts and becomes Voldemort ( and is therefore a half-Muggle).
Ron and Hermione become attracted to one another and Harry takes a shine to Ginny Weasley (they eventually kiss after a Quidditch match).
Harry finds out that Snape and Draco are plotting. Harry sees in the past that the 16 year old Voldemort had stolen uncle Morfin's wand, killed his father and then set up Morfin to take the blame. Later, Voldemort left Hogwarts and disappeared for ten years when he learnt the black arts and formed the Death Eaters.
Harry finds out that a concealed part of one's soul - a Horcrux - can be hidden in an object. Dumbledore thinks Voldemort had six Horcruxes, of which four remain and which keep his non human soul alive.
Harry repeatedly tries to convince Dumbledore that Snape is a follower of Voldemort before they try to destroy one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes, which they think is hidden in a deserted and spell laden cave. The Horcrux seems to be in a potion on an island in a lake filled with zombies called Inferi. To destroy the Horcrux, Dumbledore drinks the potion and almost dies but survives to fight the Inferi.
But the Death Eaters have infiltrated Hogwarts and demand that Draco kill Dumbledore. Draco is terrified, but refuses. Snape appears and Dumbledore seeks his help but instead Snape kills Dumbledore with a spell. Harry sees this but is invisible in his cloak. He then chases Draco and Snape but they escape. The potion which Dumbledore drank was not the Horcrux - which had been stolen - and Harry discovers that Snape was the Half-Blood Prince.
There is a big and dramatic funeral for Dumbledore with mer-people and centaurs of the forest. Professor McGonagall takes over as headmistress but announces that Hogwarts may have to close becauseof the danger. Harry decides to track down Voldemart and to travel light...
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