rashbre central: Isle and Empires, Stephan Roman

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Isle and Empires, Stephan Roman

I've been reading a book about the Romanovs and their visit to the Isle of Wight in the early 1900s. It was recommended to me by the owner of the house where we were staying and then, when in Cowes, I enquired about it (not remembering the title nor the author) in a friendly bookshop. 

True serendipity when the bookshop owner knew the book and mentioned that he had published it. Sadly it was out of print. 

Then the magic words... "I think I may have a copy around the back, let me have a look." 

Minutes later he returned saying he'd found the very last copy. A signed copy no less and Stephan Roman is related to the Romanovs. He's updated the book to include reflections upon Putin and Ukraine in a 2022 preface. 

 It's a fascinating read too, though not for the faint-hearted because it deals with the period leading to the Russian revolution when Bolsheviks gained control and the ex-Tsar was moved to the Russian town of Ekaterinburg. 

 The prisoners were the Imperial family: the former Tsar Nicholas, his wife Alexandra and their children, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and Alexey. Thirteen days later, at Commandant Yakov Yurovsky’s command, and on direct orders from Moscow, the family was gunned down in a blaze of bullets in a basement room.
In the main setting for the book, centred around the Isle of Wight we see the imperial yacht Standart escorted by Russian cruisers and destroyers, bringing Tsar Nicholas, the Tsarina Alexandra and their children to the island and a spectacular welcome by King Edward VII with a review of the Royal Navy in its then awe-inspiring might. 

 While cannon thundered, bands played and seamen cheered, the British royal yacht Victoria and Albert steamed slowly between the lines of warships. 

The two monarchs (remarkably similar in appearance) stood on the yacht’s deck saluting in response, with Nicholas in the uniform of a British admiral. 

 It was the week of the Cowes Regatta, the climax of British smart society’s summer season, and Spithead was crowded with launches and pleasure steamers full of spectators. In the evening, King Edward entertained the Russian party to dinner on the Victoria and Albert and there was presently a dinner party on the spacious Standart. 

Tsar Nicholas had meetings with Prime Minister Asquith and Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey. The visit lasted only until August 6th. The two royal families were closely related and on friendly terms. 
Nicholas was a nephew of King Edward’s consort, Queen Alexandra, and the tsarina was a granddaughter of Queen Victoria. King Edward had been one of her godfathers and treated her very affectionately and she had fond memories of England. 

The king’s grandsons, David and Bertie, the future Edward VIII and George VI, were cadets at the naval college at Osborne, but Bertie developed whooping cough and was not allowed near his Russian relatives for fear of infecting the tsar’s haemophiliac son Alexei. 

David showed his ‘Uncle Nicky’ round the college, astonished at the elaborate police precautions that surrounded his every move. No one could foresee the dark days ahead, when George V refused to allow Tsar Nicholas and his family to escape to England from the Bolshevik Revolution such that the last Romanovs were brutally murdered in Ekaterinburg in 1918.

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