13 instant things (V3.0) about rashbre 1. I'm amazed that I have not done Thursday Thirteen since 20 October!
2. I like Leanne's "Regular" Icon, but have had to adapt it for my own purpose below;
3. I reckon that the
NaNoWriMo thing stopped some of my other blogging activities;
4. Doing the writing has made me decide to try to get the "novel" onto Amazon, by Easter;
5. Item (4) above is not arrogant, it is mad;
6. After being
spanked by the Princess, I decided to follow her some of her suggestions;
7. Now that we are in December, I will start to think about festive things;
8. I watched the excreable Mr and Mrs Smith DVD a few days ago. Don't.
9. From driving in fog, my car looks as if it has re-entered the earth's atmosphere at high velocity;
10. I am seeking the Eau d'Hadrian shower products I used in Cannes by
Annick Goutal;
11. is still my favourite number;
12. I need to visit Michael's new web site about his new business but I don't have the address;
13. I still havn't watched Sin City, which I had just purchased the last time I did TT.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!1.
Leanne's Thirteen!2.
Raehan's Thirteen!3.
Colleen's Thirteen!4.
Carnealian's Thirteen!5.
Jen's Thirteen!6.
Shelli's Thirteen!7.
Barbara's Thirteen!8.
Enigma Chaos's Thirteen!9.
Angel's Thirteen!X. (leave your link in comments, I'll add you here!)
Get Leanne's Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! Why not do this too? Then leave me a link as a comment or trackback and I will update my entry a link to yours, and you can continue the chain!
Thursday Thirteen