I was going to write a post about Obama cancelling investment in the Space Station on the Moon, but I wanted to have a go at that FAWM February Album Writing Month write a song a day thing as well and realised I didn't have time for both.
So I've combined them.
Useful chords for this are C, F and G.
No more moonbase alpha No visits to the stars No more walks on the milky way No parking lots on Mars
I see twinkles in your eyes, babe And the moonbeams in your hair As you ride the sky to infinity Make the universe so fair
But the bankers took the money Politicians took the rope They wrapped it up in a message But it couldn’t give us hope
So the twinkles in your eyes, babe And the starlight in your face As you jet on to tomorrow Fill the universe with grace.
Now I’m stranded here on Earthside SInce they made that final call No more rocket ships to outer space Program terminated, fail.
P-P-P-P-Program T-T-T-Terminated Fail.
So the twinkles in your eyes, babe You still speed across the sky Make trails of silver star dust Whilst I’m here unable to fly.
So the twinkles in your eyes, babe And the moonbeams in your hair You ride the sky to infinity Make the heavens, oh so fair.
Perchance too much moonshine in the production of this?
There was much confusion on the way to the Decemberist's gig. It could have been from their own lyrics:
And remember how you found the key To the hide-out in the Pyrenees But you wanted to keep the secret safe So you threw the key away.
I'd arrived at the agreed meeting place early, with a key to let myself in to wait. Except it didn't work.
So I headed for the river for to wait a while for liberation stars for a roof above my head shining
Except, when my liberator finally arrived on the 137 bus, she too was keyless. Much scuffling as we waited for others to appear from the public transport system. And finally, we were able to let ourselves in, to retrieve the tickets to the gig at the Coronet.
Elephant and Castle. Tunnels. Fast moving line. Metal detectors. Corridor. Sharp Left. Bar. Murphy's.
And then to take position. We had plenty of time whilst Pink Floyd's albatross was hanging motionless upon the air. I seemed to be the only one that knew the track. Meddle. Echoes.
Then a shimmy to the side and we took position for the band.
Who opened with the entire Hazards of Love album, played non stop, as one piece, complete with multiple instrument changes and all manner of swapping around on the stage.
Amazing- a complete tour-de-force. Energetically played, a kind of modernist folk story. I've heard the album many times, but as a piece played live it seemed to really come together. We all thought the same; as we sipped drinks before the second half, we chatted about how much more defined the story was for seeing it in a live performance.
Similarly the textures, from quiet mandolins and acoustic guitars, to all out whammy bar chunks of air power chords. And a great mixture of front man Colin Meloy and the rest of the band including the extra singers providing a yin and yang of styles.
Part 2. We decided to be right at the front for part 2, which meant getting a wriggle on. We abandoned middling and used the old RHS technique to get to the very front and struck suitable seafaring poses in preparation for a second half. Which turned out to be a sort of greatest hits section, complete with good crowd conducting and the appearance and disappearance at various stages of an inflatable whale brought by some of the onlookers.
I managed to catch a small video snippet from the guitar and hurdy-gurdy of Eli the Barrow Boy
It worked though, because the band decided to play Mariner's Revenge in this section, which is seldom heard live on these fair shores.
We all screamed in the right place and could have become plankton, although fortunately we'd all prepared suitable gig names in advance so I think I became an idler roustabout.
So what do I think? They are excellent fun as a band- I'm not sure they quite knew where they were....East London seemed to be the stage consensus, but we all know it was down sarf.
I've listened to them for years and love their lyrics which create entire often edgy novel plots in a few sentences. Their front man Colin keeps a sparkle in his eyes as they perform and their whole band energy and counterpoints are quite infectious.
Tonight they are on Jools Holland performing a small piece from The Hazards of Love - during which they all beat drums. Just remember they all play dozens of instruments. Demand a full showing of a concert on our television. And they played sixteen military wives.
Feb 14th, eh? Saint Valentine's Day with its suitably dispatched and received tokens.
Of course, many use it as an excuse to bemoan commercialism and twee-ness although any half romantic should embrace the moment.
Strange, then, to see that the Guardian's special site for Valentine pictures only has seven snaps, of which at least three are from the newspaper itself and another one is of some red edible underwear.
Even the mainstay of flickr has somewhat limited photographic moments, so I'll assume that most people want to keep their loved ones close.
Our plans are to be on the above corner at eight and then get out of this place. We'll kiss the first of a million kisses and let the past fall away. Just like the song.