A curious side-effect of the evening's drinking was that time-effect compression, where time moved suddenly faster in the later part.
It's not like that thing where as you get older, time is supposed to move at a different speed. I get that a single day to an eleven year old is only 1/4000 compared with to a 55-year old when its 1/20000. No - it's the more pronounced effect that somehow kicks in (in my case) between 1:30am and about 4am, where waking time can then seem to pass much faster. 'Gosh is it that time already?'
My theory is that there are some kind of bio-chemical reactions at play. I don't just mean booze-related, because the same thing seems to happen with or without alcohol.
I suppose if the middle of the night is normally low threat then the body may deliberately slow things down to a lower frame rate, which could have the effect of compressing the perceived action? Maybe a 20%-50% reduction, but it would need some experiments to work with this.
Some say 11pm to 1am is the body's bad fats, smoking, caffeine peak processing time (gallbladder). Then 1am to 3am peaks with liver processing - prime cortisol and epinephrine time - sugar pull and detox. 3am to 5am can be lung and allergy processing and then - let's face it we're on to 5-7am large intestine and all that.
Some also say that a regular time night wake-up is mainly to do with one of these functions mis-processing.
So I'm wondering if the 1:30am to 4am is a kind of cortisol reduction, lower the speed, thing? The body usually doesn't need as much cortisol (adrenaline-like booster) in the small hours, so this could just be slowing things down, creating the telescoped time effect?
Or maybe it's just me??