You know what? For me it was a perfect choice.
A well-kept pump pulled pint close to Waterloo (the Camel and Artichoke, actually).
It brought me memories of drinking out in Essex and beyond in some of my older stomping grounds.
This pint wasn't trying to be ultra clever with wench-mashed hops and waggle bee honey droppings.
No, it was a straightforward pint of medium strength bitter. The kind to choose for an extended session chatting with a friend.
I could quibble at its India Pale Ale moniker, because actually the beer had a quite dark tint, particularly compared with the adjacent St Edmunds.
Whatever it's moderate strength, it had that sharp and slightly peppery edge at the first bite which persisted nicely through the whole glass.
And above all, what I liked was that this was a proper beer evoking English countryside, served from a barrel, and not some kind of marketeers' clever badging of a science experiment.