The cab driver looked slightly quizzical.
"You know what it's like?"
We said we did.
"Only some people really like it and others really hate it"
He sniggered. He was one that liked it.
"It's really raw. really raw."
What wouldn't be fun about the sell-out show about Mormons leaving training camp to go doorbell ringing?
That they advertise the show on buses with the line "Can someone get me a ticket?!" indicates its popularity.
That we were somehow front row circle is still a mystery to me. The safety curtain is a star field, before being transported initially via Disney-esque animatronics to the All-American Prophet Joe from Rochester, New York as he discovers the golden plates of the Third Book.
I won't mention the main plot or setting, because it's better to see it the first time without knowing too much. What I will draw from the liveliness of the audience is the conclusion that most people were the 'likers'.
Slick, multi-dimensional, bawdy, a starkness to contrast the cheesiness of the cheery Salt Lake City. Rather more cultural references than it would seem possible to include. Even the dancing paper coffee cups were in the right place.
The bimodal distribution of the reviews is quite understandable. Most will give a five or a one.
And, yes, having a saying does make it all seem better.
And the real Mormon missionaries outside the theatre afterwards were doing a roaring trade harvesting email addresses.