Monday, 31 August 2020
Saturday, 29 August 2020
Minack Theatre - Educating Rita
About time to see some live theatre. This was Educating Rita at Minack Theatre, in Cornwall. It was actually our second attempt, having previously been along on a day that it was cancelled because of high winds and rain. When we were told, we had just set out from St Ives, and were slightly surprised that it had been cancelled. Sure enough, that evening, sitting in the pub garden, we got well-and-truly soaked. The rain came down like some kind of comedy show. I retreated inside at one point for a complete change of clothes. Yes, Minack had got their weather forecast right. We managed to get some more tickets for another day, and decided to make a round trip of it. The show was early evening and didn't finish too late. Thoroughly enjoyable, with Stephen Thompkinson and Jessica Johnson as Frank and Rita, performing on the cliff edges as if it was the spires of Oxford. Around two thirds of the way through, the weather changed. Frank and Rita continued unabashed. The audience shuffled slightly and battened down for the rest of the performance. To the credit of the cast and the rest of the production crew, the show really did go on, and you'd be hard pressed to tell that they were combatting the elements. Only in the last encore did the main characters turn around and we all saw they were - well - soaked through.
Thursday, 27 August 2020
you're unbelievable
Nonetheless, there's a kind of evil fascination to watch the worst of them at work. The Republican National Convention’s defence of “Western civilization,” shout-outs to the COVID's discredited treatment hydroxychloroquine, curious words about Democrats keeping Black people on “mental plantations,” and denunciations of the “China virus.”
There was gratitude that President Trump gave up his “life of luxury” to rule the country.
That St. Louis couple who recently waved firearms at Black Lives Matter demonstrators from their front lawn, and a different elderly stunt-couple who spoke of wanting “this nation to continue to be the beacon of hope for the world,” while they looked lovingly at a section of border wall being installed.
There was talk of Donald Trump not being racist, juxtaposed without irony against racist warnings to white voters that Democrats want to “abolish the suburbs.”
My favourite for blatant bombast was Donald Trump Jr.'s girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle, a former Fox News personality who dialled it up to the max and strutted onto the flag-bedecked stage.
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Blame the servants
Statistics lesson: Neither of the men in ties has a clue although they both know 'ego sum stultus'
Bozza has fired top DfE civil servant Jonathan Slater over the exam results fiasco. Gavin Williamson earlier denied making the resigning Ofqual boss Sally Collier a scapegoat for the exam results.
It goes to show how little attention the top people gave to the statistics before they went public and Bozza himself demonstrates the lack of understanding of a statistical haircut. But then, why should he, when the number of independent schools reaching a 9 grading was five times higher than all schools.
I also notice the modest curve on the all schools graph, compared with the laughably immodest curve on that from the 529 ISC. Pay Per Performance (PPP/P3) anyone?
Education Secretary Gavin Williamson has retained his position, ironically, despite his sacking for allegedly leaking information from Defence about Huawei the last time he held senior office.
Monday, 17 August 2020
Play On, Christina Nott
- Archangel - where Christina Nott's backstory is established (Icelandic, but trained mainly in Russia)
- Raven - Corporate corruption.
- Raven's Card - Political corruption.
Wednesday, 12 August 2020
The bamboo forests of Norton Security
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Testing the limits of lock-down.

Or we could enjoy the views?
Then again, we could do all of these things.