No, it's not Mr Barnier and Mrs May caught in a Chinese finger trap. Or is it?
Brussels may all look glorious in supersaturated Technicolor.
Myriad microphones waiting to hear the imminent crash as the Prime Minister accelerates ever faster towards the cliffs.

"But it's the will of the people!" I hear some say.
The Daily Express bugles "Just get on with it" and exhorts that 17.4 million electorate can't be wrong.
The smug clowns continue to bicker and prior leaders of both parties are shouted down for daring to speak out.
Forget House of Cards. Substitute pack of lies.
No-one really cares about the detail although when they can't go on holiday in Europe through the fast lanes and need a different driving licence (1948 or 1969 variety?) for trips abroad, it will seem less convenient. I suppose it will put up insurance premiums too.
The first part of the current negotiations process only legalises the actual exit - just like the finger trap. There's still all the work to setup the new Terms and Conditions for Everything.
I'm one of the several hundred that have flipped through the Brexit collections which illustrate the effects of crashing out.

These particular papers don't deal with the costs, which are an altogether different story.
Rest assured it will accrue to a higher run rate than the nominal £8.4bn per annum (after rebates etc) that the UK pays to be inside the EU. I expect it will be higher than the £14bn per annum that the UK pays before any rebates.
Not to worry though, by ending austerity at the end of October (by borrowing and/or printing a load more money), the government can create more future debt. Right on cue, I see that the loud American has offered some kind of deal after the UK exits. I'm sure that'll be a really really sweet one. The sweetest.
It's a bit like the Osborne carpet bulge all over again.
Only bigger.

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